Ballots for the Tahoma School District Educational Programs & Operations Levy are nearly due!
Submit your YES! ballots into the mail or a King County Elections Dropbox before 8:00 PM on Tuesday, 4/23/24.

A loss of levy funds would mean significant reductions in staff, programs, and services for student learning.
Empowerment Through Diverse Programs
Vote yes to equip students with advanced resources and equitable opportunities, including mental health and special education, to help meet everyone’s diverse needs and foster inclusive learning environments that prepare every child for a successful future.
Advancing Educational Quality
A positive vote means continuous advancement in educational quality, ensuring the
continuation of student-centered learning and high-quality educational programs like AP courses. Levy dollars allow TSD to offer an eight period day at the high school level and expanded electives at the middle school level to showcase a variety of occupational pathways that help ensure success for all students.
Inclusivity and Accessibility
Support the levies to provide access to quality education for all students – regardless of learning style or interests – giving them the choice and ability to find what they’re passionate about.