Ballots for the Tahoma School District Educational Programs & Operations Levy are nearly due!
Submit your YES! ballots into the mail or a King County Elections Dropbox before 8:00 PM on Tuesday, 4/23/24.

THANK YOU TO TSD AREA VOTERS FOR PASSING THE TECHNOLOGY LEVY ON FEBRUARY 13th. Tahoma School District is rerunning the Educational Programs and Operations Levy which only failed by 67 votes. More than 1o,180 ballots were cast, and only 67 votes were needed to pass.
Despite current challenges, our strengths lie in student-focused environments and dedicated staff. A vote yes is a critical vote for continued funding and uninterrupted educational experiences for kids amidst so many other stressors.
Your support of the Educational Programs and Operations Levy is vital to fill the gap between basic state funding and our actual educational needs, providing learning and development opportunities for students beyond basic education and setting our schools apart.
Supporting our students means we support our teachers, staff, and programs. Supporting our students means voting YES on April 23rd.
Campaign Focus
EQUITY IN LEARNING: A positive vote means continuous advancement in educational quality and experiences, helping close growth gaps and foster environments that celebrate more engaged students, regardless of learning styles and passions.
PARTNERSHIP FOR PROGRESS: While we face challenges and growing pains, uniting for our students success remains our unwavering goal. The levies represent a joint commitment to the educational progress and well-being of our students and give our next superintendent the tools to write a new chapter of leadership and focus on what matters most: our kids.
COMMITMENT TO OUR KIDS: Vote yes for our kids. A loss of levy funds would mean significant reductions in staff, programs, and services for student learning. With a vote yes, we can ensure that the achievements in our classrooms, on our stages, and in our communities continue to flourish.
Ballot Timeline
April 4: Ballot drop boxes open
April 23: All ballots must be postmarked by this day or returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. Initial counts will be announced by 8:15 pm.