Ballots for the Tahoma School District Educational Programs & Operations Levy are nearly due!
Submit your YES! ballots into the mail or a King County Elections Dropbox before 8:00 PM on Tuesday, 4/23/24.
How is overcrowding affecting Lake Wilderness, the oldest elementary in the district?

Megan Sheridan, parent: It’s 10 a.m. and I can’t breathe. And if I had an option I wouldn’t because the smell of urine and other things I can’t determine is making me nauseous. Added to this is the fact that it’s over 80 outside so each room I walk into is already 70 and rising. Doors are all opened to the outside and large fans are strategically placed to make sure the nasty smelling air can keep moving.
This sounds like a third world problem, but in fact it is very much our problem. This is what the students and staff at Lake Wilderness Elementary face every day …
Read the rest of Megan’s column here:
Cheryl Palmquist, parent: “LWES has seven teachers per grade, numerous portables and is the largest [elementary] school in Washington state. Each time the school has an event, they have to split up times and do it in shifts. Still, the parking is so minimal that we have to park at QFC and get bused to/from LWES in order to attend the events. These kids are the future and deserve for this bond to pass.”
Pam Kreis, paraeducator: “As a longtime teacher’s aide, I found an educational system producing amazing results with many needs. One of the portables I work in you can see daylight through the many doors — freezing in the winter and oppressive in the summer. These special education preschoolers cannot learn as well like this.”